Promote your product launch with an effective campaign plan 

If you are launching a new product with a 360 communication launch plan (social media, billboards, TV…): have you thought to promote it directly on the buying journey? Be visible to your core target at the key moment of purchase and offer a discount coupon to get them to test your product.

Discover our retail media solutions to promote your new product on all shopping paths.

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Faites découvrir vos produits

How to avoid a failed product launch

According to Nielsen, over 76% of new FMCG product fail in their first year. To avoid the same fate, it is essential to promote your product to the most strategic consumers who will be long-term buyers of your product.

Make your innovation visible at the key moment of the purchase process

To promote your new product, make it visible on all shopping paths and channels using retail media. Reach your core target audience at the most appropriate time.

Stand out to your core target with targeted communication based on the buyer’s profile.

Our solutions help you increase your visibility with the most relevant consumers for you, both online in e-commerce and in store.

Encourage first-time purchase

To encourage consumers to try your product for the first time, add a discount coupon to your campaign launch plan.

Discover our advertising formats that use this method to boost your sales and recruit customers efficiently.

French people use promotions to try new products.
Boost product reviews to reassure consumers

A significant number of reviews on a product reassures customer and increases sales, and it is especially true for new products.

Leverage your first buyers as soon as the product is launched to get a significant number of reviews.

Use our review generation solution to quickly gain reviews on your FMCG products.

How budgetbox can help you

Maximized visibility of your new products

Our native advertising solutions allow you to reach your core target audience while they are shopping, online or in-store. Our solutions encourage them to try your new products using a personalised coupon designed to effectively generate sales.

Accurate targeting and optimized ROI

Our technology lets you target only your core audience and deliver a personalized message as they shop. Targeting only strategic customers increases the chances of them repurchasing without a promotional offer, maximizing your campaign’s long-term ROI.

Personalised, expert support

Our teams of omnichannel shopping experts help you build a tailored campaign to promote your new product to your strategic customers. They track the performance of the launch plan throughout the duration of the campaign, and optimize it if necessary to boost sales.

Our retail media solutions to help you promote your products 
Over 200 brands used our retail media solutions to reach their marketing objectives 
Logo Unilever
Logo Coca Cola
Logo Duracell
Charlotte Pernot

Making a new product visible on e-commerce channels can be very difficult. With the budgetbox Smart Recommendations solution, we were able to reach our core target and get them to test our strategic new product using a discount coupon."

Success stories 

Looking for inspiration? Find out how brands have used budgetbox’s retail media platform to
promote their new products.

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